We offer the very highest standards of care and learning in a warm, exciting and stimulating environment where
a child can grow and develop in all spheres. Each child is treated equally and with respect, as an individual
with his/her own personality. We encourage our children to grow and develop at their own pace with daily
activities that are varied, stimulating, imaginative and creative.
Our nursery group consists of the Playgroup, Preschool, Nursery One and Two. The Preschool is a pleasant and
warm environment where your child is provided with the opportunity and necessary support to develop
appropriately in potty training, eating habits and speaking.

Enjoyment is provided for free play, circle time, story time, singing and structured play so that social
skills can evolve. Eachday provides new experiences involving sand, water, building blocks and theme play to
encourage the full development of your child. Children will learn the basic development skills involving
colours, shapes, counting, scribbling and writing. Play is viewed as a vital time to explore and interact with
peers and things in the environment. Social interaction is strongly encouraged to enhance their social and
emotional development.
In addition to the social and emotional development, the nursery children are encouraged to explore the world
around them. Stimulating, exciting and demanding activities will give your child the head start needed to get
ready for primary school.

As a team and as individuals, our first priority is your child's education and well being while at school. We
work hard to see that each child receives the greatest benefits of our educational programme which focuses on
the six areas of learning. We are excited about our strong team; we have a great combination of talented
teachers with qualities that complement and bring out the best in each other. We enjoy working together;
sharing ideas and helping our children become readers and learners for life.
Phonics is always an exciting and rewarding experience as the bedrock for forming words, reading, writing and
spelling; you will be amazed at what your little ones would do at the end of their nursery
So, come on board!